Wednesday, 11 June 2008


The Wallace Collection currently possess a selection of bracelets and pins to accompany their new exhibition.

Boucher and Chardin: Masters of Modern Manners.

'A tea pot and tea cups feature prominently in the background in Boucher’s interior, while drinking tea is the main focus of Chardin’s painting. The common subject of tea drinking is further explored in French and English works of the same period. In England, William Hogarth (represented in the exhibition by his Western Family from the National Gallery of Ireland) takes an ambivalent approach, depicting tea drinking as wholesome but also as a symbol of the dangers of luxury.

While the exhibition focuses on French genre painting and depictions of tea drinking, it also evokes the background of tea drinking through a small selection of objects and books. A gallery trail in the Wallace Collection will guide visitors to objects in the permanent collection, linked to 18th-century tea drinking.'

12 June – 7 September 2008

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